May 28, 2013
During a recent mission trip to Nkhoma, Malawi with members of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina, I helped five members of our team present teacher workshops at the Ebenezer School.
One Sunday morning, the entire mission team attended a special church service which included a celebration of the ministry of one of this village’s most respected church leaders.
During the church service, the little girl shown above crawled over several people to hug and sit with me. I leaned over to ask my fellow early educator, VA Avery if she knew this little girl. VA. smiled and said, “Thomas, you were in this child’s classroom, reading and singing last Friday. Seems you made an impression on her.”
I turned back to the child, smiled, hugged her. We continued to listen to the 25 choirs that that shared their music during this special, five-hour service. (smile)
VA likes both pictures, especially the second picture in which the child is enjoying the singing while the early educator is providing an encouraging hand and, because of the inability to speak the language, many smiles and hugs.
– Thomas